
发布日期:2018/07/10 00:55


[雪飘工作室][紫罗兰永恒花园 / ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン / Violet Evergarden][BDRIP][Theater ver. & Extra Episode][4K-YUV444P12] [26.6GB]

Dear Sir or Madam,

Welcome to the world of Violet Evergarden.

如果您只需要字幕,请从 https://violet.subbers.org/ 下载。
For the subtitles and fonts, you may download them separately from https://violet.subbers.org/.

如果您需要5.1ch音轨(仅Theater version),请下载另行发布的FLAC外挂音轨DTS-HDMA外挂音轨
For the 5.1ch tracks (only for theater versions), download the dedicated mka tracks: FLAC, DTS-HDMA.

For the music and scans, download from the 1080p vers: AVC, HEVC.

You are NOT allowed to repost this torrent, or to redistribute/include/refer to any part that related to this torrent, on Nyaa.

本版本为四部Theater version和Extra Episode的4K upscale版本,采用HEVC Level 6@Main 4:4:4 12 profile,不兼容任何现存的硬件解码/播放设备,并需要相当性能的CPU以流畅解码
This is the 4K upscale of the 4 theater versions and extra episode. All the videos are encoded with HEVC Level 6@Main 4:4:4 12 profile, thus not compatible with any current hardware decoder/player, and a rather powerful CPU is required to playback smoothly.

推荐使用桌面版Intel Core i7 4770以上(不包括4820K 4930K 4960X)、桌面版Core i5 8400以上、桌面版AMD Ryzen 5 1600(X)或Ryzen 7处理器配合最新版播放器、解码器播放。
绝大多数移动版处理器、第4世代(Haswell/Haswell-E)以前的Intel Core i7、第6世代(Skylake)以前的Intel Core i5、第8世代(Coffee Lake)以前的Intel Core i3、所有Intel Pentium、所有Intel Celeron、所有Intel Atom、除Ryzen 5和Ryzen 7以外的所有AMD处理器均不可能流畅播放。
A desktop version of Intel Core i7 4770 or higher (except for 4820K 4930K and 4960X), or a desktop version of Core i5 8400 or higher, or a desktop version of Ryzen 5 1600(X) or Ryzen 7 CPU is recommended for smoothly playback.
All mobile CPUs, Intel Core i7 before Haswell/Haswell-E (<4th Gen), Intel Core i5 before Skylake (<6th Gen), Intel Core i3 before Coffee Lake (<8th Gen), all Intel Pentium, all Intel Celeron, all Intel Atom, all AMD CPUs except for Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 are unlikely to be able to playback smoothly.
It is impossible to playback smoothly with a outdated decoder. DirectVobSub may also be problematic.
Never ask me or claim an issue for jerky playback. Update your software and hardware (or download another version) instead.

根据之前一部分观众的要求,本版本(4K-YUV444P12)没有进行色域转换(沿用BD的Bt. 709),不能正确识别色彩信号的软硬件会出现颜色不正常的现象
This version follows the Bt. 709 color space without any conversion. Therefore, there will be a color conversion issue if software or hardware ignores the color signals (mostly assumes Bt. 2020 for 4K, which is required by ITU).

The following software-hardware combinations (with latest softwares/drivers and default settings) are confirmed to be able to render accurately:

1. madvr渲染器配合任何播放器、显卡(不使用任何GPU texture units或GPU video logic units) / madvr renderer (when using no GPU texture units or video logic units)
2. macOS下的mpv (vo=gpu)配合任何显卡 / mpv (vo=gpu) with macOS
3. Windows下的mpv (vo=gpu)配合AMD或Nvidia显卡 / mpv (vo=gpu) with Windows and AMD/Nvidia GPU
4. Windows下的mpv (vo=direct3d)配合AMD或Intel显卡 / mpv (vo=direct3d) with Windows and AMD/Intel GPU
5. VideoLan Client(VLC)配合任何操作系统、显卡 / VideoLan Client (VLC)
6. EVR渲染器配合Intel显卡 / EVR with Intel GPU
7. VMR-9渲染器配合AMD或Intel显卡 / VMR-9 with AMD/Intel GPU
8. PotPlayer的Direct 3D 11或OpenGL渲染器配合任何显卡(对于PotPlayer(包括使用madvr、EVR或VMR-9的场合),AMD显卡需要禁用色彩空间/属性-如有可能则直接转换) / PotPlayer's Built-in Direct 3D 11 or OpenGL renderer (For AMD GPU, PotPlayer's direct colorspace conversion should be disabled)

Recommendations: madvr (with any player of your choice) for Windows, mpv or VLC for macOS/Linux.

See you 2020 then.

Yours faithfully,
ssnake, and the fellows of FLsnow
