
发布日期:2013/03/17 14:21


[Bunny Hat Raw] 超时空要塞7 Macross 7 (BD) (10-bit x264, aac) (1080p) [转载] [38.8GB]

New raws for Macross 7 from BD.

Macross 7: 49 episodes
Macross 7 Movie
Macross 7 Encore: 3 episodes
Macross Dynamite 7: 4 episodes
Macross 7 Plus: 12 shorts
TV Special Macross Fastest Start
Macross Festival '95 trailer
Commercial Collection
Fire Movie Karaoke
Dreamcast Macross M3 OP
Creditless OP /ED Collection: Seventh Moon, My Friends, ...But Baby!!, Dynamite Explosion vols 0-4, and Parade
Music Videos: Try Again and Holy Lonely Light
Macross 25th Anniversary Live Digest: Seventh Moon and Dynamite Explosion
Audio Dramas: Macross Festival '95 Chikemaga CD, Fire Bomber Galaxy Network Vol 0, Fire Bomber Galaxy Fun Net CD

Video: 10-bit x264, aac, crf19. Encoded at 1080p unless upscaled on disc*
Audio: aac 50%
Source: Macross 7 Complete Fire box sets 1 and 2

*The pre-air special, commercial collection, music videos (Including Macross 7 Plus 07), karaoke video, and Dreamcast Macross M3 OP have been downscaled to their original resolution. The creditless OPs and ED for Dynamite 7 have been left at 1080 to match the episodes.

Also, the framerate info for the Dynamite 7 episodes lies. Since the only footage that isn't plain film/24fps was in the OP and ED, I did those separately to make things easier to set up. However, this means you only see the data for the first segments in the stream details.

Dynamite 7 (episodes and creditless OP/ED), CM collection, pre-air special, and Try Again music video all have 24fps content either mixed with 60i content or were edited at 60i, and as such, use VFR. The Karaoke video has some 60i content, but it's limited to the point where it's smoother at 24fps instead of having 30fps segments.




